TCF Series 7: Cognitive functions and dichotomies in World Population Estimates & percentiles

This is part 6! The other parts are: 1 2 3 4 5 6 Yep, I wasnt finished with this! But I had seem to forgot this series recently lol… But here it is the continuation. Its time to move on to World Population Estimate (WPE or WP as Word Projected) and percentiles for theContinue reading “TCF Series 7: Cognitive functions and dichotomies in World Population Estimates & percentiles”

TCF Series 3: Average cognitive functions ‘strength’ per type

This is part 3. The other 2 parts are here: Here are the average per types table on both Dario Nardi test (former) and Sakinorva (latter). Where TOT means the number of the results I collected for the type (in keys2cognition) and AVG means average (of all types equally represented, ATER). Types inContinue reading “TCF Series 3: Average cognitive functions ‘strength’ per type”

Cognitive Functions and Big 5 correlations

POST-NOTE: Many months after this article, I had used the data and relations I had drawn here to create a Big 5 to MBTI converter quiz, if you want to take it I recommend taking it before reading this: I must first say that this is a relatively modest work of my own, givenContinue reading “Cognitive Functions and Big 5 correlations”

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