The Stack (Grant)

What most websites and MBTI community call “The Stack” or even “Type Dynamics” is actually Harold-Grant cognitive function stack. It is an old classic of MBTI community. This is the types stack in this system:

INFP: Fi-Ne-Si-Te

INFJ: Ni-Fe-Ti-Se

INTP: Ti-Ne-Si-Fe

INTJ: Ni-Te-Fi-Se

ENTJ: Te-Ni-Se-Fi

ENFJ: Fe-Ni-Se-Ti

ENFP: Ne-Fi-Te-Si

ENTP: Ne-Ti-Fe-Si

ESTP: Se-Ti-Fe-Si

ESFP: Se-Fi-Te-Ni

ESFJ: Fe-Si-Ne-Ti

ESTJ: Te-Si-Ne-Fi

ISTJ: Si-Te-Fi-Ne

ISFJ: Si-Fe-Ti-Ne

ISFP: Fi-Se-Ni-Te

ISTP: Ti-Se-Ni-Fe

There are many sources which simply gravitates all towards this stack, but that is not the approach for this website. Reason? Simple: This theory has been already disproven and it doesn’t show up in any tests, including online. If you have access to community threads from cognitive tests you will realize that almost no result follows this sequence.

“As part of that linked article, Reynierse points out that the 1998 MBTI Manual (co-authored by Naomi Quenk, who Reynierse specifically calls out for her lack of standards) cited a grand total of eight studies involving type dynamics — which Reynierse aptly summarizes as “six studies that failed, one with a questionable interpretation, and one where contradictory evidence was offered as support.” He then notes, “Type theory’s claim that type dynamics is superior to the static model and the straightforward contribution of the individual preferences rests on this ephemeral empirical foundation.” (Reckful)

This is thelink to the main article refuting what most people call “the stack”:

Link to Reynierse, J. H. (2009).  The case against type dynamics.  Journal of Psychological Type, 69, 1-21.

It is for this reason that many sources only works with the letters – “dichotomy” – and ignores the cognitive functions (they are not doing that because they are “superficial ignorants”). In this website author, I adopt alternative visions that uses the cognitive functions in a different way, even if I know that any alternative vision is an unpopular vision here (after many years a good bunch of community still uses the Grant Stack as it is the code of the personality and the mind). They were not proved, but at least they were not disproven.

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