Personality and Intelligence: Beyond IQ

I had featured here, on this post, about IQ and Big 5/MBTI. However, some months later I had decided to look for things that are more abroad definitions of intelligence – which includes Critical Thinking, for example. Here I will show some studies using broader definitions of intelligence and ability. In general, when broader definitionsContinue reading “Personality and Intelligence: Beyond IQ”

Personality & P. typology and COVID

In this post I am going to talk about two things: First, an external article about personality (big 5 factors) and sheltering at home (‘quarantining’), second, about me correlating COVID deaths with Big 5 dimensions, MBTI types, MBTI dimensions and Big 5 facets (facets from IPIP Neo). Im mostly going to show rather than explain.Continue reading “Personality & P. typology and COVID”

Reminder: Typology is inductive, not deductive!

And this is important! This is a quick reminder and a quick explanation, short article. Basically, a reminder. First, my definitions of inductive and deductive here are as follows: When something is likely, very likely, unlikely, very unlikely, it is inductive. Inductive does have a load of uncertainty, it is a matter of might. Deduction,Continue reading “Reminder: Typology is inductive, not deductive!”

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