Q & A – MBTI / Big Five

This section is a Q&A relating more deep and advanced stuff about typology in general rather than basic typology questions (like “what is a INFP?” is too basic) and this section relates to some curiosities that are more speculative (because they don’t have a straight answer without uncertainties) due to a proper lack of data or proper study on the subject – but I will talk on a less uncertain way just for the sake of clarity. This is going to answer questions relating MBTI and Big Five.

Which is the most common MBTI type?

The most common MBTI type globally is ISTJ (and also in the US), although that may vary depending on the country (for example, Japan is ENFP), more details here.

Which is the rarest MBTI type?

The rarest type on MBTI globally is INFJ, although that may vary depending on the country. In US, the rarest type is ENTJ. More info here.

Which MBTI type is the weirdest?

That answer depends on what you understand by weird. If we go by rarity (what is the rarest type) that is INFJ, that also have some points (as a Ni-f) for strange and mystical things. But if we go by relationship with Schizotypal personality disorder, then the weirdest type changes to INTP.

Which MBTI type is the saddest?

Which MBTI type is the most depressive?

That answer also depends on the definitions of sadness. If we go by the Big 5 facet “depression”, as shown here, the saddest type is a tie between ISFJ and ISFP if we go by pure MBTI dichotomy, and as I had searched by cognitive functions test, the saddest type ties with ISFP and INFP, so the most likely type to be the saddest type is ISFP. If we go through the depressive as a personality disorder, that changes to INFP/INFJ in dichotomy, although in search using cognitive functions test that I never made it public did pointed to INFP. So, although the saddest type is very likely ISFP, the most type most likely to fall into depression is INFP. However, I must point that all types can be sad and depressive and that the correlations are weak, but they point these two types as the most prone to sadness.

What is the happiest MBTI?

This can also change depending on how you define happiness. If we go by the Big 5 facet “cheerfulness” of Big Five, here, the happiest type is ENFP in dichotomy terms, whereas ESTP is the happiest if we go by cognitive functions (as Se-t; Se relates a lot to cheerfulness) (here). In general, EXXP types tends to be happier and more “child-like”, and this relates to enneagram 7.

What MBTI type has the highest IQ?

Which MBTI type is the smartest?

What is the most intelligent MBTI?

The smartest type with the highest IQ is INTP, and INTP is smarter even considering intelligence widely (IQ, g, critical thinking, numerical reasoning, verbal reasoning) in MBTI/Ennea combo that is INTP 5 (more details here), although the type most likely to be found between a group of teenagers with a high IQ percentile (like top 2% IQ) is ENFP, but ENFP is NOT the MBTI type with highest IQ.

Which MBTI makes the most money?

The richest MBTI type on US (since only studies of this kind were done in the US) is ENTJ, with enneagram combo that should be ENTJ 3, details on this post.

Which MBTI type daydreams the most?

Reading daydream as big 5 facet imagination/fantasy, the MBTI type that daydreams the most is ENFP (here by dichotomy with study and here by cognitive functions test), which is surprisingly an Extravert due to a higher relationship with Ne type rather than Ni with daydreaming. Daydreaming usually has reality as a starting point.

Which is smarter: INTP or INTJ?

INTP are smarter than INTJ if we go by IQ (link).

Which sensor is the smartest of all sensors?

The smartest sensor type, if we go by IQ, is ISTP (here).

Which MBTI types goes well together?

That answer is too big for this page, but if we go by friendship the stats of best friendships and MBTI is here(link)

Can you be two MBTI types?

If you go by official MBTI, apparently yes (link), but that doesn’t mean that you are two MBTI types at the same time but rather that your personality “is” between two MBTI types. If you go by Jung typology, you can be at different degrees of differentiation leaving room for you not having a differentiated thinking/feeling function (not having a specific preference for thinking and feeling), same for intuition/sensing function and introversion/extraversion attitude ( theory here, stages of differentiation here).

Which is the angriest MBTI type?

Considering the Big 5 facet Angry-hostility, the angriest type is ISTJ and the most likely type to display anger at others is ESTJ (specially ESTJ enneagram 8), but the correlations of MBTI type and facet anger from B5 are near zero, so this is just a very very mild, almost negligible, difference of anger between MBTI types (based on here).

Which MBTI is the most romantic?

In enneagram, there is one type called romantic (type 4), and the MBTI type that is more often a romantic type on enneagram is INFP, followed by INFJ and ISFP (here ).

How accurate is the MBTI?

This phrase can be somewhat subjective, but the MBTI test-retest rate is about 60-70% in a month, meaning that the chance that you are getting the same test result on official MBTI in a month is 60-70%. The chances of you getting a type that is NOT a cousin is 80%. In general, these values are considered not accurate enough for claims like “type can’t change” & “the test definitely sorts out your type”.

Which MBTI type is the laziest?

Well, for MBTI only I do not have an answer, but for MBTI combo the most lazy as a student should be a ESFP 9 and perhaps ESFP 9 is the most mental laziest while INTP 9 may be the most physically lazy. Most MBTI community thinks INTP 9 as laziest type, but there are not much things pointing straightly which types procrastinates the most or are the laziest.

Can your MBTI change?

If type really really changes, that is up to faith and belief, but in statistic terms and based on tests, it is undeniable that type can change (on the tests).

Is MBTI scientifically proven?

If we are speaking in neurology and “harder” sciences (physics, chemistry, etc…) then the MBTI is definitely NOT scientifically proven (and any cognitive functions attempts to draw connections from neurology have NOT been scientifically proven at all). If we go in terms of “soft” science, then the MBTI is sort of “proven” (details here).

Is MBTI astrology?

MBTI does not define your personality with very accurateness and preciseness, but it is definitely a million light-years ahead of astrology and both should not be compared to each other (more details here).

Is Enneagram better than MBTI?

That is a matter of taste, and a lot of people around the internet find the enneagram more helpful than MBTI. But in terms of theory quality (internal consistency, test-retest rate considering number of types, etc…) the MBTI is better than the Enneagram (and the most accepted one in academia between both is MBTI, although the personality test and system most accepted in academia and likely between psychologists is the Big Five).

Which personality type is most likely to have anxiety?

The most likely MBTI to have high levels of anxiety is ISFJ, using big 5 facet “anxiety” as parameter (here), although the correlations are quite low so any MBTI type can be overly anxious.

Which MBTI is the most altruistic?

Although MBTI and altruism is quite independent form each other, ENFJs are the most altruistic types, using IPIP Neo Big 5 facet altruism (although that is quite weak) (see more here and here).

Which MBTI type is the most empathetic?

Using Big 5 facet tender-mindness/sympathy as parameter, the most empathetic MBTI type is ENFP (see more here and here).

Which MBTI type is the most organized?

The most organized MBTI types are ESTJ and ISTJ, using Big 5 orderliness as a parameter (see more here and here).

Which MBTI type is the most careful?

The most careful types (most likely to take several precautions) are ISTJ and INTJ, using Big 5 cautiousness/deliberation as a parameter (see more here and here).

Which MBTI type is the most shy?

The most shy MBTI type seems to be ISFJ, using Big 5 self-consciousness as a parameter (link).

Which MBTI type is the most impulsive?

The most impulsive MBTI type seems to be ENFP, using Big 5 Impulsiveness as a parameter (link 1 & link 2).

Which MBTI type is the most artistic?

The most artistic types tends to be INFP and ENFP, using Big 5 aesthetics/artistic interests as a parameter (LINK 1 & LINK 2). Big 5 artistic interests heavily deals with seeing the beauty in nature, and that connects the INFP “obsession” with sunrises and sunsets. INFP is also the type most related to Holland Codes “Artistic”. Different than what is spread out there, “the artist” label seems to be more link to the INFP type than to ISFP.

Which MBTI type is the most emotional?

The most emotional type seems to be ENFP, using Big 5 Feelings/Emotions facet as parameter (LINK 1 BY DICHOTOMY & LINK 2 BY COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS).

Which MBTI type is the highest on Openness to Experience (Big 5 factor)?

The type with the highest Openness to Experience is ENFP right followed by ENTP (or the opposite if you go by Ne-f and Ne-t), and this relates to both of these types being connected to the Ne type on Jung, that is sort of similar to a High E, High O type on Big 5.

Which is the most assertive MBTI type?

The most assertive MBTI type is ENTJ, using Big 5 facet Assertiveness as a parameter (link 1 by dichotomy & link 2 by cognitive functions).

Which MBTI type seeks the most excitement?

Using Big 5 facet Excitement seeking as parameter, the most excitement-seeking MBTI type is ENTP (link 1 by dichotomy & link 2 by cognitive functions), followed by ESTP and ENFP.

Which MBTI type is the most Extraverted?

Well, if you go by the E/I from the Big 5, the most Extraverted type is ENTP (in details here & here), but if you go by the E/I using cognitive function tests, that is more related to the Jungian definitions of E/I, then the most Extraverted type is ESTP (details here). The mild relation between Extraversion and Perceiving is explained here.

Which MBTI type is the most Introverted?

If you go by the E/I from the Big 5, the most Introverted type are ISTJ and ISFJ, (correlations here & here), but if you go by the E/I using cognitive function tests, that is more related to Jung E/I definitions, the most Introverted types are INTJ and INTP (details here). Merging definitions, it seems that INTJ and ISTJ are the most introverted types.

TCF Series 5: What is the most Thinker of all thinkers? Is there an intuitive sensor? All dichotomies covered.” – Covers a very wide range of questions, so I decided to link the article directly.

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